MainFeeds Barnyard Chicks and Layer Feeds are designed for the smaller poultry producer. They are wholesome nutritionally balanced feeds formulated to meet the needs of a chick and laying hen throughout its laying cycle. We supply our own commercial poultry diets and also manufacture tailored rations for specific customers.


Barnyard Wheat is a supplementary feed for poultry. It is a high quality wheat grain and a high energy feed supplement for poultry.

Feeding Recommendations

MainFeeds Barnyard Wheat is a whole grain product suitable for supplementing the diet of laying hens. It is not a complete feed for laying hens as protein and calcium are required for growth and for egg production.

Other feeds, such as MainFeeds Barnyard Layer feed, should be fed in addition to wheat to provide a balanced diet and improve growth rate or egg production.

Always have fresh, clean water available at all times. Place the water in a separate container away from the dry feed to minimise spillage and dampness.


Whole wheat grain

Points to note

Store your MainFeeds Barnyard Wheat in a cool dry place and protect it from rodents. Use feed within 6 months of the manufacture date.

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