Muesli Mix
Specially formulated for the person running a few laying hens in the back yard. A balanced diet containing whole grains, cereals and protein to maximise production and maintain bird health.
Feeding Recommendations
Feed Barnyard Muesli Mix ad-lib (free choice) from point of lay onwards. The amount they eat will depend on their size and the amount of other foodstuffs available. Average intake could be 125g per bird per day. Self-feeders, protected from rain and wind, are an excellent method of feeding pellets or mash.
Egg production needs a good supply of nutrients and Barnyard Muesli Mix is a complete feed for laying hens. It supplies all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals required for hens to maintain good egg production. If hens receive a large proportion of their diet as kitchen scraps or vegetables i.e. over 50%, then extra calcium should be supplemented in the form of oyster shell grit or a similar product to ensure good egg-shell formation.
It is important to have fresh, clean water available at all times. Place the water in a separate container away from the dry feed to minimise spillage and dampness.
Store your Barnyard Muesli Mix in a cool, dry place to protect from rodents. Use feed within 6 months of the manufacture date.